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Work Exposure Programs

Many learners have difficulty in finding employment without the necessary work experience. Al-Fidaa Foundation facilitates work exposure programs for its learners with these companies.

Zozinette produces a locally-made range of stunning baby carriers including stretch wraps, woven wraps, ring slings and buckle carriers. These beautiful carriers allow caregivers and children of all ages to bond, experience positive touch and comfort, and from going to the shops to a full-day hike, explore new places together.

The Al-Fidaa Foundation has partnered with Zozinette to accept learners from each class for a one to three month work experience program at their manufacturing facility.

Fred Footwear
Fred Footwear specialises in the designing and manufacturing of genuine leather sandals and shoes. All footwear is designed by the designing team and then manufactured by hand on the premises.

Fred Footwear works with specialised industrial sewing machines unique to the footwear industry.

“I am married with two kids. I was attending night school at ABET in Motherwell hoping to find work when I finish, unfortunately I could not find  nything. I was a stay at home mom with nothing to do. Not knowing where to start or what to do to improve my life, my friend told me about the Al-Fidaa Foundation. I did not have any skills, it was my first time learning a new skill. It was a great experience for me. I have learnt a lot at Al-Fidaa. I have been
equipped with a lot of education and practical life skills. Over and above the skill of sewing, I was taught business skills and computer literacy. It is the best thing that has happened to me.

After completing and receiving my certificate, I started doing some research in my community. It was winter and the fleece capes were in fashion. I returned to the skills centre and tried my hand at manufacturing a sample under the guidance of the Instructor. I perfected the item within a day or
two and started advertising it on social media platforms and around my community. The next week I had received 10 orders with a 200% markup, people were happy as I was still cheaper than the stores. The Al-Fidaa Foundation kindly allowed me to make full use of their facility to manufacture the garments.

Using the business skills I gained from the Al-Fidaa Foundation I managed to invest some of the profit back into the business thus I was able to purchase my own sewing machine after 3 months. I am forever grateful to the Al-Fidaa Foundation.”

Ntombenkosi Masa

“I dropped out of school due to financial problems. My dream was to be a lawyer. In 2017 I read about Al-Fidaa Foundation on their Facebook page, then I came to their facility to find out more about them.
They explained to me about their interesting skills they provide and I instantly fell in love with the sewing make garments, cost a garment and computer skills. I got the certificates of competence of those skills. My challenge was not having a machine but thankfully I managed to sew my orders at the institution as they grant you access to the machines once you have completed the course. The Al-Fidaa team assisted me with a business plan and guided me to funding opportunities. I received the funding to purchase equipment for my start up business. Breez Fashion Designing was created and became popular and very busy.
I am designing traditional clothes, formal clothes, kids clothes, shoe coverings, accessories and bead work. My business is successfully running at a profit. From being unemployed, to be given an opportunity of gaining a skill to having my own business today is a dream come true. In June 2019 Breeze Fashion Designing had a turnover of R24,000.
I would like to thank the Al-Fidaa team for such a great opportunity. I am taking this fashion designing to the top level and extremely proud to be a product of Al-Fidaa Foundation.”
Brenda Ziyanda Sixolo, Sewing Studio
Debbie was unemployed for over a year. She knocked on many doors to find employment but always met with reject. Debbie had no prior sewing experience but always wanted to learn the skill.

Debbie enrolled in the Sewing Studio to gain a skill to provide income for her family. She was dedicated and committed with her studies. She practiced daily on her new skills learnt in the classroom. When Debbie completed in May 2018 she started the journey of job hunting again. She was called in for an interview by a tracksuit manufacturing company who had a position of a qualified sewing machinist available. Debbie aced the interview and was given the job. While at her new employment an opportunity came her way. The admin office employee was on leave and a much needed document needed to be done. Debbie asked her supervisor to give her a chance in drafting up the document. Her knowledge that she gained in the computer classes allowed to complete the task with much ease. Her Director was so impressed with her work that he offered her a promotion the next day to join the finance team.

Debbie is now permanently employed and has a steady income to care for her family.

Debbie DuPlessis, Sewing Studio & Computer Class

Al Fidaa Foundation interacts daily with students who are too hungry to focus on lessons, hears the plight of mothers who are sole breadwinners having no food to feed siblings

Department of Social Welfare partnered with Al Fidaa in opening a Victim Empowerment Centre providing a holistic and effective person centered support service for victims of violence and crime.